Create a new user
The menu enables a user with the role “Administration” to create a new user. Data on the new user are entered in the form (see Picture No. 22). Items marked with an asterisk are required.
The role “Search for payments” is assigned to a new user by default.
New user can change his/her data, settings, and password in the “Settings” menu, after signing in to the GP webpay Portal.
List of users
Menu enables the user with the role “Administration” to display a list of users, to manage their roles (by clicking the check box, one or more roles can be assigned) and to block/unblock access to the GP webpay Portal (by clicking the lock at the user’s name). The list of users can also be exported to a file in XLSX or PDF format.
The user can be assigned these roles:
- Search for payments: enables the user to search for payment in the “Payments” menu,
- Manage payments: enables the user to search a payment in the “Payments” menu and to manage the payment after click it in the list of searched out payments,
- PUSH payments: enables the user to create, send and search for a PUSH payment,
- Administration: enables the user to use all the menus of the GP webpay Portal,
- Visibility:
- it enables the user with the role of “Administration” to restrict the visibility of merchant’s e-shops to other users,
- a user with a restricted visibility of merchant’s e-shops may search and administer payments of the assigned e-shops only.

Pic. 22: Users