User login


The user may access the GP webpay Portal via URL address

After entering the URL address to the browser, a form to login to the GP webpay Portal is displayed. The user enters data in “Company”, “Username”, and “Password” boxes (see Picture No. 1).

Pic. 1: User login to the GP webpay Portal

User receives the password for the first login from the Application Support Global Payments Europe (GPE).

After the first user’s login to the system using the password provided by the GPE Application Support, a form to change the password is displayed. The user chooses his/her new password for login to the GP webpay Portal. The user is also prompted for updating the user data.

User data update

After the first login to the GP webpay Portal, the user is asked to confirm and/or complete the user data (see Pic. 2). After entering the valid user data and pressing the “Confirm” button, a verification code to confirm the entered data is sent to the given e-mail address.

Pic. 2: Confirmation and/or completion of user data

After that the user enters the verification code to confirm the entered data that he/she has received using the e-mail given in the previous step, and then presses the “Save” button (see Pic. 3).

Pic. 3: Entering of the verification code to confirm the entered data

Forgotten password

The menu enables the user to recover forgotten password:

  • After pressing the “Forgotten password” link, a form is displayed. User enters data in the “Company” and “Username” boxes (see Picture No. 4).
  • After pressing the “Search” button, there are displayed both the user data (company, name and surname) and e-mail address to which an e-mail with verification link to create a new password will be sent after pressing the “Confirm” button.
  • Click the verification link to display a form. User enters data in the “New password” and “New password check” boxes.
  • After pressing the “Save” button, a form to login to the GP webpay Portal is displayed.

Pic. 4: Forgotten password recovery