PUSH payments

Creating a PUSH Payment

This menu enables creating a PUSH payment. In the first step, the user enters data for the PUSH payment to a form (see Picture No. 16). Items marked with an asterisk are required:

After entering data for PUSH payment in the form, it goes to the second (facultative) step of “Entering e-mail” by pressing the “Continue” button.

Image of creating a PUSH payment
Pic. 16: Creating a PUSH payment

In the second step, the user has an option to enter customer’s e-mail address to send payment link and/or to enter e-mail address of e-shop to send confirmation of settlement of the payment link.

If the option “Send payment link to client by e-mail” is selected, a form is displayed (see Picture No. 17). Items marked with an asterisk are required:

Pic. 17: Entering customer’s e-mail address to send payment link

If the option “E-mail to send confirmation of payment” is selected, a form is displayed (see Picture No. 18). Items marked with an asterisk are required:

Pic. 18: Entering e-mail address of the e-shop to send confirmation of payment



To the last, third step “Push Payment Summary”, it goes by pressing the “Continue” button.

In the last, third step, there are displayed data about the created PUSH payment and about the entered e-mail addresses (see Picture No. 19). After entering the password to the private key and after pressing the “Create payment link” button, there is displayed confirmation about the successful creating a PUSH payment and about sending it to the given e-mail address (see Picture No. 20). The “Payment link” contains the created payment link, which the user can store to the clipboard and use it in other application. The created payment link cannot be changed.

The user can create other PUSH payment by pressing the “Create another PUSH payment” button.

The user has the option to search in created PUSH payments by pressing the “Search for PUSH payments" button. Search filter is displayed (see Picture No. 21).

Pic. 19: PUSH payment summary



Pic. 20: Confirmation of a successful creating a PUSH payment



Pic. 21: Filter to search PUSH payments

Capturing a PUSH payment

The customer receives e-mail informing about the created PUSH payment with the payment link. If the customer decides to pay it, he/she clicks the payment link and the browser redirects him/her to the GP webpay payment gateway, where he/she makes the payment. The customer is then informed about the result of payment:

If the customer is not redirected to the GP webpay payment gateway after clicking the payment link, the customer is informed about the reason:

PUSH payment can be created also using the Web Services (method “createPaymentLink()”), see the document “GP webpay API WS - Technická specifikace pro vývojáře“ in the “Downloads” menu.