Login menu

After a successful user login to the GP webpay Portal, there is displayed the initial menu (see Picture No. 5) corresponding to roles assigned to the logged in user. The name of the logged in user is consistently displayed in the upper right corner of the GP webpay Portal. After the user logs in, a language version of the GP webpay Portal corresponding to the initial settings made by the GPE Application Support (see the menu “Settings/User data/Preferred language”) is displayed. The user can change the language version by clicking a flag in the lower right corner of the GP webpay Portal.

Pic. 5: Login menu


The user has an option to search payments according to the search filter settings, to display details of payment, including its status and history, and to manage the payment.

Recurring payments

The user has an option to search registration payments for the service of Recurring payments (see the document “Platební brána GP webpay – Uživatelská příručka“ in the “Downloads” menu) according to the search filter settings, to display details of payment, and to manage the payment.


The user also has an option to search registration payments for the Card on file functionality (see the document “GP webpay – Uživatelská příručka” in the “Downloads” menu) according to the search filter settings, and to manage the token created in the registration payment.

PUSH payments

The user has an option to create a PUSH payment (see the document “Platební brána GP webpay – Uživatelská příručka“ in the “Downloads” menu) and to send it to the customer’s e-mail address. The user has also an option to search created PUSH payments according to the search filter settings, to display details of payment, and to manage the payment.


The user with the “Administration” role has an option to display a list of users and to administer their roles. The user with the “Administration” role has also an option to create a new user.


The user has an option to display statistics and functions enabled for e-shop and payments.

Key management

The user has the option to create and manage keys to secure communication between the e-shop and the GP webpay server and to create and manage payments. The user has also the option to view the status, in which the keys for e-shop are.


The user has the option to download technical documentation and other resources for integration with the GP webpay payment gateway interface.

Logged in user

The user can set or update his/her contact data and preferred language. The user can also change his/her password to login to the GP webpay Portal.