
Statuses of payment

Status of payment Description of payment status
Captured Payment has been captured. Payment will be credited to the e-shop’s account according to the contract with the bank for card acceptance on the Internet.
Unpaid Payment has not been captured. The reason can be non-completion of the payment by the customer on the GP webpay payment gateway, customer’s return from the GP webpay payment gateway to the e-shop, decline of payment in the systems of GPE, card association, and issuer, or technical problem.
Refunded Payment has been refunded. Refund has been made by the e-shop by means of the GP webpay Portal (menu “Payments”), or using the Web Services.
Partial payment Payment has been paid partially or refunded partially. Partial payment has been made by the e-shop by means of the GP webpay Portal (menu “Payments”), or using the Web Services.
Pending capture Payment has been authorized by the issuer and the paid amount has been blocked on the customer’s account. E-shop has the option to capture the amount from the customer’s account later by means of the GP webpay Portal (menu “Payments”), or using the Web Services.
Pending authorization Payment is processed. E-shop has created a payment request and the customer has the option to pay on the GP webpay payment gateway. Standard payments can be paid until expiry of the time interval for payment, PUSH payments can be paid until expiry of the payment link or exhaustion of attempts for payment.
Reversed Payment has been reversed. The reverse has been made by the e-shop by means of the GP webpay Portal (menu “Payments”), or using the Web Services, or the payment gateway GP webpay after expiry of the time interval for blocking the amount on the customer’s account by the issuer.Payment Status Diagram

Status diagram chart for payment

The following diagram shows possible statuses of payment and the main transitions between them.

Payment methods

Payment Method Method Explained
Card - payment gateway Payment was made by a card at the GP webpay payment gateway.
Card - FastPay Payment was made by a card at the GP webpay payment gateway using the “FastPay” function.
Card - e-shop Payment was made by a card in e-shop, verification of the customer (3D Secure) has been made by the GP webpay systems.
Card - Web Services Payment was made by a card in e-shop, verification of the customer (3D Secure) has been made by the e-shop systems, or has not been made at all.
Recurring payment Payment was made in e-shop using the “Recurring payments” function.
PLATBA 24 - e-shop Payment was made in e-shop using the service of PLATBA 24.
PLATBA 24 - payment gate Payment was made at the GP webpay payment gate using the service of PLATBA 24.
Card verification Card was verified with the issuer bank using the Card verification functionality.
Google Pay - e-shop Payment was made in e-shop using the service of Google Pay.
Google Pay - payment gate Payment was made at the GP webpay payment gate using the service of Google Pay.
Apple Pay - e-shop Payment was made in e-shop using the service of Apple Pay
Apple Pay - payment gate Payment was made at the GP webpay payment gate using the service of Apple Pay.