Recurring payments

This menu enables to search and manage Recurring payments. The filter to search registration payments is displayed (see Picture No. 11).

Pic. 11: Filter to search registration payments

If at least one recurring payment with the “Captured” status has been made to the registration payment, the “Payments” button is displayed at the registration payment. After clicking the “Payments” button at the selected registration payment in the list of the searched out registration payments (see Picture No. 12), in the menu “Payments” there are displayed recurring payments to the registration payment. After clicking the payment in the list of recurring payments to a registration payment, there is displayed basic information about the payment (see Picture No. 13).

Pic. 12: List of searched out registration payments

Pic. 13: Details of recurring payment made to a registration payment

The registration payment for the Recurring payment functionality is automatically invalidated unless a recurring payment is created for the registration payment within one year, and no recurring payment can be created for it.

The merchant may revoke the registration payment by clicking on the “Revoke” button (see Picture No. 14) – the “Revoked by the merchant” status.

The registration payment may be also cancelled by the card issuer upon authorization of a recurring payment – the “Revoked by the issuer” status.

Pic. 14: Revocation of a registration payment by the merchant