GP webpay

Scenarios of payment processing

The GP webpay payment gateway enables the merchant various possibilities of payment processing. The most frequent scenarios of payment processing are described in Table No. 1, for further information, please, see the technical specification for developers and the user’s guide “GP webpay Portal”. Possible statuses of payment and the main transitions between them are showed in the Picture No. 15.

Scenario Description API HTTP API WS GP webpay Portal
Payment authorization

The merchant sells goods or services, which are not immediately to dispatch.

At the time of receipt of an order from a customer, the merchant requires the payment to be authorized by the issuer bank (authorization) and the amount paid to be blocked on the customer’s account.

Important notice: on the grounds of rules of card associations and according to the agreements with individual acquirers, authorisations are cancelled automatically after expiration of the period given in the Table No. 2. After the given period expires, there will be no possibility to make the scenario “Payment capture”.

The merchant sends the parameter DEPOSITFLAG = 0 in the request to create payment.

The merchant can verify the payment status using the method getOrderState().

Payment status is definitive after 60 minutes after redirecting the customer to the GP webpay payment gateway.

The merchant can verify the payment status in the Payments menu.

Payment status can be definitive after 60 minutes after redirecting the customer to the GP webpay payment gateway.

Payment capture

The merchant sells goods or services, which are immediately to dispatch.

At the time of receipt of an order from the customer, the merchant requires the payment to be authorized by the issuer bank and the amount paid to be captured from the customer’s account.

The merchant has made the scenario “Payment authorization”.

At the time of delivery of goods to the customer, the merchant requires the blocked amount to be captured from the customer’s account.

The merchant sends the parameter DEPOSITFLAG = 1 in the request to create payment.

The merchant can verify the payment status using the method getOrderState().

Payment status is definitive after 60 minutes after redirecting the customer to the GP webpay payment gateway.

The merchant captures the payment using the method processDeposit().

The merchant can verify the payment status in the Payments menu.

Payment status is definitive after 60 minutes after redirecting the customer to the GP webpay payment gateway.

The merchant captures the payment in the Payments menu.
Payment refund

The customer complains successfully about goods or services and requires the merchant to make full or partial refund.

Important notice: according to the agreements with individual acquirers, payments are closed automatically after expiration of the period given in the Table No 2. After the given period expires, there will be no possibility to make the scenario “Payment refund”. However the merchant can use other method of payment refund (e.g. bank transfer)


The merchant refunds the payment using the method processCredit().

For one payment, there can be made more refunds; however the sums of returned amounts must not exceed the originally paid amount.

The merchant refunds the payment in the Payments menu.

For one payment, there can be made more refunds; however the sums of returned amounts must not exceed the originally paid amount.

Payment reversal The merchant has created an incorrect payment and requires cancelling it. -

The merchant makes payment cancellation using the method processDepositReverse().

Important notice: payment cancellation is possible only by payment created with parameter DEPOSITFLAG = 0 and capture of which from the customer’s account has not been made yet.

The merchant cancels the payment in the Payments menu.

Payment cancellation is possible only for payment created with parameter DEPOSITFLAG = 0 and capture of which from the customer’s account has not been made yet.

Table No. 1: The most frequent scenarios of payment processing

Acquirer Period for automatic cancelling the authorisation Period for automatic closing the payment
Global Payments s.r.o. 7 calendar days 13 months
Global Payments Europe, s.r.o. 7 calendar days 13 months
Československá obchodní banka, a.s. 7 calendar days 6 months
Československá obchodná banka, a.s. 7 calendar days 6 months
Cataps, s.r.o. (KB SmartPay) 7 calendar days 6 months
EVO Payments International s.r.o. (REVO)  7 calendar days 6 months
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.  7 calendar days 13 months

Table No. 2: Periods for payment processing

Possible statuses of payment and the main transitions between them
Pic. 15: Possible statuses of payment and the main transitions between them