The DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion) functionality allows the customer to pay in their own domestic currency. The GP webpay payment gate automatically recognizes the domestic currency based on the card number and offers the customer payment using DCC (see Picture No. 13). The customer then has the option to pay either in their domestic currency or in the currency of the merchant.

Payment page display with DCC option
Pic. 13: Display of the payment page with the DCC payment option

After a successful payment, the GP webpay payment gate displays a confirmation of the funds being held on the cardholder's account (hereinafter referred to as the “confirmation”). The confirmation is displayed in a separate “pop-up” window. The same confirmation is also sent to the customer's email address, if they entered it on the payment page. Some browsers may require authorization of the URL address of the GB webpay payment gate for the list of authorized URL addresses to display the “pop-up” window.

Customers can pay in a variety of currencies, not just CZK. However, the settlement is always performed to the merchant's account in the merchant's domestic currency as it has been so far.

DCC can be used without limitations by merchants accepting foreign currencies.