Installment payment

Installment payment functionality enables the customer with payment card Mastercard to pay a purchase from the merchant by installments.

If the customer´s issuing bank is enrolled in the Mastercard program and has agreed the general business terms and conditions with the customer, the payment gateway GP webpay will offer to the customer after successful authorization Installment payment service or to pay a full payment (see Picture No. 14).

In the help window when selecting the number of installments, the card issuer's terms and conditions are displayed. The card issuer has the following options:

  • Individual business terms for up to 12 different offers of number of installments (drop-down list)
  • Same business terms for a range with minimum and maximum number of installments (drop-down list)
  • Business terms agreed in advance (only announcement „According to issuer´s conditions")

Customers can make installment payment or to pay a full payment, but the settlement of these payments towards the merchant is performed as hitherto in full.


Payment page with installment payment option
Pic. 14: Display of the payment page including the offer of payment made with the use of Installment payment